Monday, November 15, 2010

We are really sorry we are going to close our shop in Lloyd.but we are planning to merger our the shops.ponitee::and then re-open our new shop in Takeuti SIM.I hope to see you at our new shop.Thanks you always,Poponi,ther owner of ponitee...


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

If you have joined the group, which I'm sure you know the purpose of the turntable. This turntable is for only using Christmas songs. Please note that the turntable may not be available past the Christmas season. Thanks! Favorite friends! レコードプレイヤーのストリーミングチャンネルはクリスマスを過ぎると使用できなくなるかも。。。ですw :::CAUTION!!:::YOU MUST OWN...

Christmas season